Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Once upon a time, a hungry boy was playing video games. After hours and hours of playing video games, home alone, he had to find a way to feed himself. He looked through his house for hours, and finally found one precious, golden cup of noodles. Inside the package was a packet of special powder flavorings, as well as another packet of dried vegetables. The chunk of noodles itself was so perfectly formed in its dried up state that the boy started drooling before he even added the hot water.
To his surprise, he had a kettle of water boiling for some reason already. He did not know how it got there, but he was thankful and didn't ask anymore questions.
He poured the hot water into the cup of noodles, and then added the flavoring and dried vegetables.
He was really hungry, so he grabbed a pair of chopsticks and started crunching on that block of noodles. He had a spoon too, and started drinking the scalding hot water that he had just added.
It was so hot it burned his tongue, and he swallowed it to get it out of his mouth. The water made its way down his throat and burned his whole throat as well as the insides of his mouth.
Lesson here: do not drink cup noodle soup without letting it cool down first.

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