Monday, November 29, 2010

Human Life: A Cycle?

In individual human lives, as I had stated in class, I believe we do exist in cycles. First of all, we are born unable to walk, then by the time we die we pretty much can't walk anymore since we've deteriorated so much. This is like a cycle with one rotation. But some people don't consider that being a cycle, so I guess an alternative way of explaining it could be that life is like a line with an apex. It reaches its zenith when we're in our twenties, and has been on a slow decline afterwards.
On the daily aspect, yes, we do live in cycles. We wake up, do our daily activities, with meals spaced throughout the day, and then we retire to sleep. That is living out in cycles. We continue this everyday, with slight changes daily that make a (small) impact to the thing as a whole, such as going out to live by ourselves, etc. We continue the cycle daily, until it accumulates to a number that adds up to be 365, then we simply add a tick mark to marking our lives by these dates and then we continue the cycle.
Life is a cycle.

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