Monday, November 22, 2010

A Realistic View of Life

When we grow out of our cocoon and adapt to the realities of life, we realize there are much more things in life such as responsibility than just imaginary things. Believing in things such as Santa Claus and other paranormal explanations for things pretty much says you can't accept what life really is, so you find other ways to cope with it. It's a sign of weakness because if you need something to cope with something that is difficult, and if you cannot deal with it, you are a weakling. It means that if we encounter something we cannot deal with, we imagine ourselves dealing with it as if it was real. As if we really dealt with it, but rather, we hadn't. This is the same case with Santa Claus. It might be propagated by the parental figures, but the children, naive and ignorant, cannot find an explanation for the gifts under the tree. So following what their parents had said, they assume it was a big man with a big beard on a big sled with a big bag over his shoulder that brought the gifts. Quite funny, actually. It's actually also a lesson of obedience, and once we break that belief we realize we must question all things, and all things are worth questioning, because if we don't, people might be lying to us. People might be saying Santa Claus is doing this Santa Claus is doing that, and once we question things we'll realize the realities of life and that people are liars.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting and well written. Is that the only reality of life (that people are liars), or are there more complex truths?
