Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Material Possessions

Material possessions are important to me. Very important. This is because the blood and sweat that I've shedded to earn the money to possess these things are considered sacrifices i've made, and losing these possessions would be indirectly sacrificing in vain. On the surface, it might seem shallow - but there's much more than that. If the item had no sentimental value to me and the value replaced, then, I wouldn't care much for the item. All I care about is the sentimental value - it helps me recollect the memories associated with that item, either positive or negative.
If my house was burned down, I wouldn't care much if it was insured - unless there was some sort of sentimental value to it. A house is replaceable, unless there was some sort of priceless object in it, but the fact is that memories cannot be replaced is what makes it valuable to me.
Material possessions to me serve as a medium to some sort of memory - and if by losing that possession would remove one path to recollect that memory, yes, it would mean a lot to me.

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