Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Puritans and Rationalists Today

People think about the world through rationalistic views, that's been carved by Puritanical views. Basically, we have rationalists thought - most of us anyway, and traces of Puritan ideas are left in its path. Work hard, and you can achieve anything. The American dream. I think because our country was founded on the ideas of freedom and from a capitalist standpoint, there was bound to be a work hard slogan in it. Puritans were lead to be hardworking was because that they'll do anything in their power to earn the favor of God even though it was already predetermined who'll go to heaven and who won't.
Or perhaps our views today are simply shaped by common sense of working hard will pay off. Rationalist ideas seems to be the most basic and logical, while Puritanical seems to be complicated and subjective.

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