Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Personal Disaster

Once upon a time, when I was in 8th Grade
It felt very boring, to expel something self-made
I always needed entertainment, such as toys
I loved Legos, just like all other boys

So I knew I had a big and long one coming
I brought a big creation to have a part fall in the plumbing
The black foot of my warrior, now in the bowl
My head was spinning, now out of control

I didn't know what to do, so I quickly finished
Until my courage waned, my luck diminished
Nothing would happen if I just sat there looking
Took my hand, got it ready, then went for the put-in

Reached down far, next to my poo
There sat the foot of my warrior, one of deux
The other one still attached, thank God
I should've used a mini fishing rod

My hand came out, drenched in toilet water
Went under the sink, of the clear blue color
Washed it clean, then went for the flush
Never have I been so relieved of this exciting rush

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