Monday, February 14, 2011


My Ode will be about freedom, America, and everything it stands for. America is a great country. It is the home of the Shotgun, the Truck, and freedom. African Americans too, but they're not that important. It is the home of Beer, where beer was invented, same with the hamburger, computer, and everything else. It is a great country. It's won all the wars possible in the whole world and all the wars that's ever been fought and will be fought. It won the cold war head on same with the Vietnam war.
It is the greatest country in the world. It is better than the country of Africa. The world gets its internet from America, same with the money and same with tanks. This is my ode.
It's a rough draft, but this is roughly what it'll sound like.
My Ode to America
America is the single greatest country in the world. America will topple Canada and shut off the Chinese production. America will consecrate the defiled grounds in Africa and purify the humans there. America will raze the city of Moscow and all that is Russia and set ablaze the Siberian oil fields.
That is a rough draft, hopefully all of you will enjoy it.

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