Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Holiday Plans

My plans for the holiday are to become an astronaut... wait, that's not realistic. My plans for the holiday is to make me some MONIES! I had actually recently found out (actually a few hours ago) that saying monies (as retarded as it sounds) is actually correct. I want some monies is a correct way of saying something. I made lots of monies over the holiday is also a correct way of using the word, but the plural form of money is basically money now, the older more archaic form is rarely seen now (other than on silly captioned images of cats doing silly things). My other goal is to gather up with my relatives that I rarely see and bond with them. A few people that come to mind are my many uncles, my cousins, etc. Both sides of the family, too. I rarely see my other grandma, and in my whole lifetime I've probably spoken less than 100 sentences to her, (language barrier: she barely speaks chinese, only taiwanese) and I don't really have any feelings for that side of the family, but nonetheless, I'd make bank off of that side of the family. I need to make that money! That's pretty much my only goal for the holidays. Make money! Make money! Make money!

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