Wednesday, January 26, 2011


When I think of justice, I think of courts and such because that's how justice is delivered now. I think justice is something that should be delivered to someone when they commit some sort of wrongdoing. This is because they deserve it, and justice is the punishment for it. I think the Ewells deserve justice. The standard of justice is an eye for an eye. It should be done back to them what they have done to others. I don't think Tom Robinson deserves any justice. However, I do believe that the group of people with Mr. Cunningham also deserve justice, for the way that they operate, the way they wish to incite fear into others without regard for their lives or anything. I think justice should be served swiftly unless the wrongdoing that the person committed was slow and painful. Eye for an eye, retribution should be brought upon them the way they have brought pain onto others. This means I believe in capital punishment. Eye for an eye is the standard in which justice should be served, and once justice has been served, they both should be in the same position, if the man had inflicted a wound so much that it would cripple the other man, then that man should be crippled very much in the same way. I think that's how justice should be served, anyway.

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