Sunday, January 23, 2011

Boot Soles

What Walt Whitman means by Boot Soles is his quixotic idea that we'll all naturally decay into the earth into calm, living soil that will nurture the world from under them. Under the boot soles, that is. That is simply what he had meant, and he had meant it literally. Another thing is that Walt Whitman also implies we're all going to die. This is what he had meant by the quote, "if you want me again look under your boot soles," he is saying this for all of humans that we'll be returned to the earth. Walt Whitman sounds like a very outdoorsy, impractically idealistic and chivalrous type of person. A typical American author of the 1800th century, Walt Whitman is that type of person. This is all he had meant by the quote and nothing more, it addresses all of humanity and our fragility and easiness to die. He is also trying to draw off superiority and such from the modern reader to imply that he is just like us, that he will die and fade into time and also be returned to mother nature. That is simply my interpretation on his quote, and that is the best that I can draw from it.

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