Sunday, January 2, 2011


Everyone knows the American Dream. It is that everyone has an equal chance of taking root in the soil that is the Great Land of Freedom and flourish in the clean, crisp air that is in America by absorbing its everlasting and infinite nutrients by just working hard.
Well, the air's not so clean if you're not born white.
The fact I am basing this opinion on skin color is because in the past, white people have reaped this land of it wealth and fenced it and kept it to themselves, using others such as slaves, leaving them in the hole they are in now, Blacks, many of whom lack so many opportunities compared to the average white child.
Black people work hard, too. But the reason is that the youth are so misguided and cannot help themselves that they're left in the dust while others are far ahead of them, in a race called Life. 
Black people begin at a disadvantage, so do mexicans, etc, because white people have set themselves at such an advantage since the first colonies.
There are exceptions, however, but face the truth: it doesn't happen often. 
Even though the gap is closing (slowly), it is still apparent as the urban youth today can usually be categorized based on their skin color to correlate to success in the future.

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