Sunday, January 23, 2011

Letter to the World

I believe Emily Dickinson meant by "This is my letter to the world/That never wrote to Me" is implying some sort of self deserving attitude that she had been longing for. She has so much self pity that she had wish the world itself had written to her a letter explaining how sorry it was to her about her potential spouses dying. This is why she locked herself in a room and wrote poetry - because she was pitying herself so much and writing poetry to express that pity in the form of written catharsis about how much the world should've given to her that she even wished for the world itself to write her a letter expressing its condolences for her. I do not share her feelings, she should've just manned up and faced the world in whatever she had instead of locking herself inside a room and feeling sorry. She needs to stop feeling sorry for herself and just go out and do things. Even though her writings today might be worth some sort of entertainment value, she could've accomplished more in that walking corpse of hers than just writing poems and instead actually doing things.

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