Sunday, January 2, 2011

Mockingbird So Far

In the Mockingbird, we've learned that Atticus is a wise man. The neighbor is a strange fellow, who's actually quite nice. The two boys get along well and then the girl feels left out, so she makes friends with the neighbor lady. So far, they've been discovering things inside the tree outside of the strange man's house. They've also noticed that later, afterwards, that the hole that they were discovering things in ended up being covered up. The two boys, Dill and Jem like to mess with the strange neighbor man, Boo Radley. Scout, who is the girl, just talks about their short adventures. Also, her brother broke his arm.
From what we've been hearing, it seems like the children live in a kind and quiet place in the south, where everything is carefree and the children get a fulfilling childhood with friends and family regardless if they're in the Depression era or not. Their father is a wise man and they have a complete family with good morals at home and rowdiness when they're playing together.
Also, Dill seems to be the leader of the crowd. He doesn't talk much about his past. Also, when a kid in class was borrowed money from the teacher and couldn't return it, the teacher hit him. A kid named Boris shows up in class and he's dirt poor and the trailer trash of the most trailer trash type character in the story yet.

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