Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sound Effects in “The Raven”

The rhymes in the Raven give it this dramatic and scary feeling as you read it, because naturally these rhymes flow so well that it just makes you read faster. Faster and faster, with the addition of alliterations and the internal rhymes, it speeds things up easily and then you can't even comprehend how fast you're reading because your eyes are just moving across and your mouth is having a hard time catching up. It's kind of hard to realize the power of these rhymes until you read these poems, ones that flow so well with these rhymes. The rhyming is just so strict and well-versed and so beautifully put together that it makes the reader's mouth bleed and sweat ammonia. Urine leaks out of pants and drains from the body, as the person perspirates and cries out in tears of sodium hydroxide as it slowly dissolves the entire face and nothing left but a shadowy visage of the person reciting the rhymes of this poem, that is the power of these rhymes. The sound effects are crazy and enticing, embracing yet unforgiving, once you fall into the trap, you will never come out. It is a bottomless pit, a helldom of hells and a tartaros of burning fiery wrath.

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