Sunday, January 2, 2011

Harsh Words

Words that offend people usually judge them greatly.
Firstly, we must look at when it is okay to use such words and when it's unjustified.
When a person cannot help it, such as being called stupid or based on the color of their skin, the discrimination here is unjustified.
When a person screws up due to his lack of attention or practice, it is justified.
The things we cannot help are thing such as appearance, etc. Also, when someone puts you in a box and judges you immediately without getting to know you, that's also something people get offended by. Me, personally dislike being put in a box. In high school, when people made racist jokes about my race, even if it was positive like saying I'm smart or whatever, I still found it offensive because it puts you in a box without getting to know you due to your race. Not seeing the individual for who they are.
When people make judgments about you, they're putting themselves in a higher place of power, over you, when they mutter those prejudice words. It is okay, because for me, I believe, they are not worthy of being in that place they have set up themselves and I generally view myself as superior to all others. So it is okay for people to insult me, because intellectually I can usually make the right choices to simply ignore it.

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