Monday, February 21, 2011

The Soul

First of all, I'd like to debunk the existence of the soul. There is no real way to prove whether or not the soul exists, and therefore it doesn't. Something doesn't exist until there is actual concrete, solid evidence provided to support this claim. For now, the soul to me is just a hypothetical entity for the purpose of this entry, because I want to clearly state that I do not believe in the existence of the soul. Instincts lie within our genetic information. Anyway, I do not know the answer to how most people select their friends. Either with their emotions or with rational thoughts, it is entirely dependent on the person. Whether or not they are emotional or rational, it is up to the individual, although I have noticed a trend that females tend to be more emotional than men. This leads me to believe that females usually base their choices upon emotions. This is especially true, since to me it seems like females with other females have a deeper closer bond, they hug, etc, and for males it is just downright awkward for us to hug each other all the time (and a tad bit homosexual). Sometimes, these emotions may stray and with a blend of rational thought, females make superficial friends. These are the fake people you hear people talk about all the time, and females tend to be more fake to their friends and have more fake friends than males, while males simply base their choices upon simpler emotions such as aggression and with a bigger mix of rational thought.

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