Thursday, February 10, 2011


I believe women of any Muslim society are probably oppressed. But is it really oppression when the women don't mind? Just like when people wonder if it's really abuse when the people don't mind? I'm not sure if the Qur'an had stated this, but I believe someone had told me that in some passages it stated that women were objects of desire or something, and that it would be the women's fault for flaunting herself if the man were to rape her. Or maybe that's some sort of twisted Islamic law, but I do know it exists and is a defensible stance and often used defense against crimes like rape. I think oppression is a term that should be carefully used and is largely based on personal opinion, though. I am not taking a clear stance on this issue, but I do know for a fact that if the people realize they're being oppressed, like the students of Tiananmen square in 1989. Or the random uprisings against the Soviet Union in the satellite nations during the Soviet era following the defeat of Germany. They would just roll in the tanks. Many people today are oppressed, and even found in PAS. The hat wearing community are low on numbers at the school enough already, and yet, we get condemned for covering our heads for reasons of warmth and protection.

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