Sunday, April 24, 2011

Historical Influences

I think the most familiar events with the movement probably were the radio and then the photographs of World War 2. I am familiar with both because I see these on a regular basis. First of all, the radio: our internet is basically radio waves travelling back and forth (wifi internet that is) and also when I get in the car I listen to the radio. A lot of things are powered by radio waves. Another are the photographs because I could understand how they are influential to us today. It gives us an image of how terrible warfare is. Warfare is terrible because it costs human lives for things that are trivial to us in daily life but only matter to politicians. Perhaps the Jews getting killed by the Holocaust was not just something politicians argue about, but does not affect me personally. I believe war is not a good thing. But it is inevitable because humans will have conflicts. I had an idea that humans will only progress forward if we unite, but warfare tears us apart.

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