Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Social Influences – Entertainment

Entertainment in the past probably was just the radio, some newspapers, and the nickel theater. I would have loved to enjoy the lavish entertainments of the past, live a life like a classy gentleman, start the day off with a cigar and end the night in my classy car and watch a movie with a monocle dangling off of my eye whilst my arm wrapped around a girl in a dress. With silk gloves or whatever they were called, and fall asleep. It would be a great way to live, and not have been spoiled by the technology of today. The technology today, we are never satisfied - entertainment wise. We are always seeking new forms of entertainment, with the bare and most ethereal form of entertainment twisted and changed into something and so many different forms that we can't even recognize entertainment anymore. Entertainment now is an amorphous thing that takes on many different forms, many sports are all the same. Everything is the same.

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