Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Make It New

What Ezra Pound means by new art is for art to be innovative and original. Art shouldn't be an exact or close to exact replica of something that's already been done. That's just redoing what's already been done. Art in a sense can be compared to inventing something. If you're going to invent something, why would you reinvent something that's already been invented? You would want to invent something that's totally new and original and serves to a different function rather than provide the same benefits. To the viewer of art, art should provide and evoke a different feeling from a different perspective to the person rather than to evoke the same feeling. A person would just look at a picture of the previous painting than to see some crappy replica. That is what Ezra pound means. Perhaps he also means for poets to break away from the restrictions set upon poets by following the strict and rigid format that they have been following for a long time: the sonnet format, etc. I think poets should be more innovative rather than to just keep following the same format over and over again.

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