Sunday, April 24, 2011

No Ideas But In Things

Poems are written about meaningless things. To me, they're just meaningless pieces of writing into an abstract form that is completely incomprehensible to any logical person (strictly adhering to the fact of logic and no wiggle room to understand anything that is not logical) because everything is so vague itself, even if the idea was something of meaning (that is a subjective matter). To be honest, I do not understand poetry. It sounds nice but if someone wanted to (by the wise words of T.S. Eliot) "improve upon the English language" then why don't you say it in a form that people can straightforwardly understand? Is it cool to be abstract and write things that doesn't really have a concrete answer? People may ask why you need everything spoonfed to you (in the subject of information) but why shouldn't it? I'm reading something after all, aren't I? I do not get poems. I do not like them, they are nothing but a mere form of entertainment for me. That is simply my opinion of poems.

1 comment:

  1. Poems are not meaningless. There are emotions involved, expression of opinions, a story, letter, event... these can all be written in the form of a poem. It takes an open mind to accept things you don't understand then you'll begin to learn and understand. To interpret what it is a poem is trying to tell you, what the poet was thinking of when he/she wrote the poem, the message it's delivering.. I think if you can let go of your opinion of poems, and give it some patience and a chance, then you might like it!
