Monday, October 4, 2010

Compare and Contrast: Bradstreet vs Sor Juana

There are major differences in the two poems. Firstly, in Bradstreet's poem, it follows many short rhymes while Sor Juana's poem (although translated,) follows many verses that are long and elaborate in meaning. Even though both carry the same amount of meaning, one is just in a longer form, albeit a shorter poem as a whole, while Bradstreet's was a longer poem with many shorter verses. In Sor Juana's poem, she talks about the learnings of the mind, and shouldn't care so much about the worldly vanities instead - Bradstreet says the same thing, except about herself. About how she shouldn't care so much about her own worldly possessions. Instead, focus on her love for God.
Perhaps honing one's mind (by reading books etc) was being faithful to God?

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