Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Unknown Quantity

I do not believe in the fact that only when we're presented with something along the lines of a life threatening situation do we reveal our inner and true selves. Our "inner and 'true' selves" is already shown through our everyday behavior. Only when one intentionally hides it or when they do something that alters their behavior are they modifying it, if not, everything of our personality leaks through. It makes no difference as to what situation we are presented with, EVERY situation reveals a little something about ourselves.
People find out their strengths through trial and error, one cannot know what one's strength is by simply just being put in a life threatening situation, that's also trial and error - if you were under a rock, and it required immense physical strength to save yourself: okay, trial: physical strength. If you fail then you die. Basically a life threatening situation cannot challenge a person in all aspects of life that's like a meta strength finder, one must find it through numerous tests and a life threatening situation does not offer that, simply because it's a hit or miss: and if you miss, you die.

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