Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Give me Liberty or...

Give me liberty or death, an interesting phrase coined by Patrick Stewart. Wait, what?
Nowadays, people crave funny things. Not that people before never did, but now because our world is so efficient at keeping people alive and keeping them safe, without the worries of death once you walk out your doorstep, people crave the higher satisfactions there is to be earned in life. It's sort of like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Once we do not worry about the bottom levels of the pyramid anymore, once they're satisfied that is - we can finally continue on to the higher levels. Things such as food, safety, shelter, and protection have all been satisfied, only then can we pursue goals of higher learning, intelligence, etc.
Jokes are one of them. Socialization in general is one of them.
I've also heard that our generation is the thumb generation. Our technological innovations makes great use of our opposable thumbs - our hands are more dexterous than the previous generations, and we interact daily (perhaps a little too much) and indulge in the joy that these tiny little silicon chips provide us.
Our generation recognizes the words technology, internet, and innovation. Speed as well - but in technology. What was ten years ago - a 56 kbps modem speed connection is hard to even imagine being bearable, now that the average internet speed we have are 10 mbps internet connections.
A little bit more specific would perhaps be, facebook, online games, and the such that our generation recognizes. Last generation's youthful age would probably recognize with music or something. Who knows, we're in the present and we don't care about the past.

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