Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What I Don’t Like About This Class

What I don't like about this class is how the journal times in class are so long. Sometimes the moments in class without any brain stimulation leaves me in a blank state and in a blank state I am more prone to falling asleep. I also dislike how there are ants in the corner of the classroom, they may be gone now, but when they were here they served as a big distraction. My fascination with the Formicidae family of animals leaves me distracted in class. A serious issue I don't like in class is that sometimes breaks are omitted. I understand that the schedule may run wild sometimes, but fitting in a 5 minute break is perfect because classwork is enervating at times and that 5 minutes could serve well as a break and let us last longer.
Other than that, I have no other serious concerns with the class. The bottle in the middle of the classroom might be, but other than that bottle of water, maybe if we had more pizza parties I'd be more excited for class. Or watched movies.

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