Thursday, October 14, 2010

Respond to Jonathan Edwards

My response to this man would be who put you in authority? What exactly backs up your ridiculous claims of "hanging by a thread," have you, yourself, personally witnessed such a burning of a person in the fiery depths of hell? I don't think so. I believe he's simply using the fear of the wrath of God in his own way to sway the people to cling onto their ever so worthless lives which "hangs on by a thread" even tighter into believing themselves to be even more insignificant.
Reading about these people fills me with anger and frustration because not only are they fabricating a string of lies, they're culturing this world to be so fearful of being an atheist and heathen that brings everyone into this endless black hole of intimidation of the wrath of god that pretty much subconsciously forces people to convert to Christianity.
When God's existence is questionable in the first place, why create a bunch of lies? Is it that people are so gullible as to believe in religion? I am an atheist and I do not believe in God, so perhaps my view is distorted and twisted and not as objective as one would think.
But still. Jonathan Edwards, you're a load of bull.

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