Thursday, October 21, 2010

Persuade Me

Persuade me to give me tickets to America when spring time comes. I'll be 18 and I won't need to go through that permit phase to get a license. I won't need those mandatory hours, because those hours are only for those below the age of 18.
Bring me back to summer, back to whence we were whole. Back to when we had fun and could relax and live  a carefree life - although too much of one thing is not good, I'd still just want to go back, even for a second. Regardless if I'm in America or Taiwan, I want to be surrounded by friends and just chill out for a long time.
Persuade me and bring me to California for some In n Out. Some milkshakes, fatty foods, and all that - along with some nice, dry weather.
Also, burritos would be nice. Served with that tomato rice, asada beef, as well as some of that vegetable greenies topped with cilantro and tomatos - that's what I want. Someone should bring it back to me, along with its sour creamed goodness drizzled in salsa de verde.
Another thing I want is to be God. If enough people worshiped me, I could be a God.
I want to be God so that I could feel what it's like to be in control of his divine wrath - the feeling of sentencing a heretic to hell and smite with my holy hammer. I want to be Thor.

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