Thursday, March 24, 2011

On Impulse

Impulses just pop out. They are impulses because they cannot be controlled. I have impulses all the time, whenever something in my head that snaps together and makes that synaptical connection, I say it. The connection has to be funny or is clever in some way, I'll say it. I can't control it. It's a really hard urge to control and once I say it I cannot retract the statement: since I had already said it. The more I think about something the less chances of me saying it will be, so I think I'll lose all of my comedic creativity and originality if I think about it too much. Sometimes something is funny to me I'll just tell people straightforward the funny thing. I can't help it. It doesn't feel like anything, that's the thing. If it had some sort of evil and ominous feeling to it, I'd stop myself dead in its tracks. But I can't. That's why I'm known for my facetious comments and flippant humor in class at school. 
I think to people with self-restraint, they simply think over the things they are going to say before saying it. I do this a lot, but not with these funny comments (they're funny, at least to myself.)

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