Thursday, March 3, 2011


I think the reason why Emily Dickinson always writes about these topics is that she is in such isolation that she doesn't think of any other thoughts other than things that are regarded as "pessimistic." Seriously. She's stuck inside her room/house all day doing nothing other than wearing a white dress. How must her family members treat her? They must treat her like a pile of feces. She's utterly useless, writing a few pieces of poetry (during her lifetime.) She probably barely engages in any sort of housework, as she wouldn't want to get that white dress dirty. She must be contemplating suicide all the time. If there was a person in my house who didn't do anything other than scribble words on a piece of scratch paper all day, I would get mad too. Not just mad, actually. I'd get furious. Then I'm sure that person would start thinking about pessimistic things. Negative feelings. That's how I feel, anyway. Also, she could be mentally ill. Extreme mental illness and seeking catharsis instead of going on a serial killing rampage she writes them out in words. Instead of wanting to try to be like death she instead writes about death, flies, and so on and so forth. She is a strange lady, and I'm glad she didn't leave the house or else quite possibly she would've killed a few people.

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