Thursday, March 17, 2011

Think About…

How did they respond to the civil war? Well, photographers go onto the battlefields, reeling in their giant machinations of taking these things called "photographs" that captured the light and then further published them into local newspapers. I believe these writers then look at these reproduced images and take thought and inspiration from that. The basic characteristics of realism I find usually deal with the realistic scene rather than the naturalistic scene. It may seem obvious, but by realistic scene I mean the realistic environment they had to face everyday of their lives. Things such as the slums, battlefields, diseases, etc, were all the things that they wrote about and more. They depicted humans as humans, an average Joe going through the grueling and arduous journey that is Life. Whether it be on the battlefield or in the shantytowns, life seemed terrible and it gave these realism writers a chance to blossom and flourish as they spread knowledge of the existence of such conditions worldwide. It's quite an interesting flow of information. I find that these realism writers that are able to accurately portray others' lifestyles as amazing and spread awareness.

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