Thursday, March 24, 2011

Romantics v Realists

Romantics loved to emphasize on the perfection of nature and all its little intricacies that the romantic writer found to be "correct". The realist found the ordinary things in nature, the things that aren't worth pointing out to be the things that are worth writing about. They viewed nature as it was, instead of emphasizing their stories and novels around little unrealistic perfections. If they envisioned a tree to be perfect, then the realist would imagine it as real as it could be. A romantic tree wouldn't have any flaws in it, while a realist tree would have all the ordinary characteristics that a romantic tree lacks except are found all elsewhere in the real world.
Romantics also emphasized on heroes, while realists emphasized on ordinary people. Sure, ordinary people can be heroes too but the romantic hero consisted of an odd combination of a pure and innocent soul growing up in the natural world and living a vigilante lifestyle of fighting evil. The ordinary hero is one who comes from an ordinary life of the times back then (such as the slums of New York City) and then doing his work and saving other people. Something like that.

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