Thursday, March 3, 2011


I think the people with power are the commanders. They're the ones with power because they contrl the handmaids, the victims of the story. This leads on to make me think that men are the ones in real power too. This feminist author is simply implying that she had forgone her faith in the female society and accepted true dogma. The dogma of human society, where men rule over everything and yet provide for the helpless creatures we know as women who are simply the counter of our gender as reproductive machines. They should all be making sandwiches, ironing clothes, and other things for men. Men offer protection, strength, and are the breadwinners of society, therefore women should give something back by occasionally pleasuring their male counterparts and make a few sandwiches for them on the side. Men are the ones in power, just look at the White House or any other political organization. It feels as if this woman, Margaret Atwood, simply wants to send out the message that men are superior and that women are inferior. It is an awesome statement, that the women of this world are supposed to be concubines. Yes, indeed, it is. Concubines they are and Ofbills here they come.

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