Sunday, May 15, 2011

Eccentric or Crazy?

I believe this sort of insanity she suffers was learned. She used to live a sort of lavish aristocratic lifestyle until everything went away. Her father wasn't really thoughtful by pushing away the men that were trying to court her, and now once her father died, she has no one to depend on. This sort of learned behavior, I believe, was from being too used to this lifestyle then having everything hit rock bottom. All in all, she's SOL and she cannot find a way out of it. She behaves this way to gain attention, and according to the Philip Zimbardo prison experiment, once she has taken that role as the helpless woman she HAD BECOME the helpless woman. She is a helpless woman. I believe a lot of women today in society are like this, they believe they are some sort of princess and then they get treated by one because they're so demanding and men are so submissive that they become what they really want to be. Just like how, in the first few weeks of marriage, a couple might feel out of place - they might feel like it's all an act, but after a while, they do become the "married couple" in a sense whatever a married couple is supposed to be.

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