Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Journey

Prufrock is no model for such thing. First of all, he is simply the passenger in his life. He does not take control nor does he even drive this car, the car that is the metaphor for life. He is simply a little gay man. I cannot help but stress the fact that, in part with my homophobia, that he is a gay little man and that gay men cannot do such things (take life on as the driver.) Sure, there are exceptions - but I doubt that the majority of gay men are the drivers of their lives. Prufrock is no hero, he is not on a journey, if he were he wouldn't know where he was going. He's simply remaining on the same plane - rock bottom. The same level. He is just a man that is so self conscious that he worries about a tiny little bald spot on his head. He is no hero. He is not on a journey... so the journey cannot even begin if he cannot even drive his own car (that which is his life.) Oh well, Prufrock's a sad case. T.S. Eliot, you've made your point.

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