Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Free Write

Free write, I love free writes. The reason I love free writes is that I can fill up the whole entry with words that don't really even matter. But the amazing fact is that nobody reads this so I'll do it anyway. First of all, what the hell is homophobia? And why do people "frown" on people for being homophobic? Racist, too? Why can't I use an out of date pejorative term (or used to be pejorative, I mean) however I want? Why is there even censorship? I don't understand why people feel the need to correct other people to be more "politically correct." We are all so caught up on this "politically correctness" nonsense that we try to correct each other and conform that we have lost all freedom of expression and creativity. I want to swear. I want to express my emotions with words that way. Frankly, I don't give a damn if someone feels insulted. Why should they feel insulted if I had not meant to insult them? I don't get this. Do people think they're better than other people for correcting people? This is my way of rebelling: swearing, and using discriminating words in my own way. Of course, I do not mean to insult these people - of course, I am a very articulate person so I shall couple these words with a dapper style. But no thanks, please don't correct me, you conformists.

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