Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Horror Story?

A Rose for Emily would be considered a horror story. To me, a horror story is anything that has elements and good enough literary elements, whether they be suspense or using flash backs in a skillful way to be considered a horror story. To be specific, it seems like anything that twists our current perception of things - the way we were shaped to perceived things. For example, if a human had his guts leaking out - that's scary, and it's because it deviates from what we think of humans - whole and, well, guts on the inside. It mutilates our thoughts and presents us with a strange image of what we think we should perceive. I remember a great horror story read was the Shining, and it was because (specifically the things like the hedges and the dog man in the middle of the story) because that stuff usually doesn't happen. A hotel isn't supposed to be haunted like that, and the fact that a family of three had to live inside an empty and old hotel is just a scary concept.

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