Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Reflect on Your Project

I believe we all had participated and spent a ponderous amount of time upon the project - especially Melissa Lee. I'd have to say, at first I thought the content of the project would be the most burdensome, because Ben and I had taken upon the daunting task of the content work. The book wasn't fresh in our heads anymore, our knowledge was a little rusty - but unpredictably, Melissa Lee had actually taken upon the hardest job of them all - the posters. I had not realized how hard she had worked on the posters. Thank god it was not me who had chose to do the poster work, for I would've simply done a crude, crude job. She had spent seven something hours (or even more) decorating the poster - and the next morning, I was awestruck. I had finished my content work within an hour's time, and I had thought that was challenging. I believe it was the same with Ben, too. But the time spent is really reflected upon the quality of our posters. It's filled with all the different elements to an A+ project. It's great. I would have to say that Ben and I had worked hard, but Melissa Lee worked harder. Props to Melissa! Yay!

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