Sunday, May 15, 2011

Nobel Speech

I believe it had encompassed the ideas of what was given in his speech. It might've not encompassed all the ideas but I had been a form of execution of emotions. First of all, I believe Ms. Grierson has some sort of twisted emotional psyche about her that makes her really messed up. When she bought the poison, and when she had been asked to pay taxes, the townsfolk felt pity for her. What I had felt for her was complete disgust. She lives in a town and doesn't pay taxes. She is just a complete freeloader who does whatever she wants. Complete disgrace to society. I don't feel any of those emotions for her, only disgust and repulsion. All the taxpayer's money is going into this lowly woman and she's freeloading off of it. Very pathetic and a complete disgrace. I do not feel any sort of these emotions for her even if Faulkner was trying for it. I would not feel bad if she had burned to death or any sort of thing like that. It disgusts me.

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